Add or remove Covenant Seminary email on Android device
This procedure walks through adding your Covenant Seminary email to your Android device.
Instead of adding your Covenant Seminary email account to your default mail application, you may wish to download the Microsoft Outlook app for mobile instead.
Add Covenant Seminary Email
From the Gmail app:
Tap the icon in the upper-left corner to open the menu.
Tap Settings.
Tap Add Account.
Tap Exchange and Office 365.
When prompted, enter your institutional email address and password.
You may be prompted to provide consent for the application to access your email data.
You may be prompted to designate permissions and settings for this mailbox.
Once you have completed the setup, your email will appear as an additional account when you tap your user account icon in the upper-right of the screen.
Remove Covenant Seminary Email
Tap the user account icon in the upper-right of the screen.