Password policy and requirements

How to reset your password

Visit  and follow the on-screen instructions.For a full procedure, visit  Reset your password .


Student/Employee passwords do not expire.


  • Length of at least 14 characters.

General guidelines

As employees of the institution, we are stewards of student information, which is governed by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). As such, we have a duty to our students to treat their information with the utmost care. Here are some general guidelines regarding your employee account.
  • Never write down your password.
  • Never share your password with anyone (including IT Services). If another person (employee or not) knows your Covenant Seminary employee account username and password, it is highly encouraged to change your password immediately.
  • IT Services employees should not change your password for you. IT Services employees should assist you through the process of changing your own password.
  • Consider using a password manager (e.g. Last Pass) to store your passwords in a secure and easily retrievable place (Contact IT Services for more information).

How to choose a more secure password

The general rule of thumb is that the longer a password is, the better. In fact, think less about a "password" and instead, think of a "passphrase". Choose a quotation, Bible verse, or 3-4 random words that are memorable.