A space for people to gather around mutual topics and shared experiences, these groups are led by Faculty members and meet weekly during the semester. Descriptions of each group offered for this semester are listed below. There are both in-person and virtual groups to attend. Sign up is strongly encouraged so that leaders are able to plan accordingly and communicate any necessary changes. Please note that some groups have a limit to participants and/or close after the first or second session.
These are challenging times: national and international political unrest, issues of social justice, systemic oppression, and more. The Beautiful Community covenant group, created primarily for Covenant's African American student population, will reflect on what it means to navigate these spaces as students of Covenant Seminary and God's church. We will reflect on how God is using us and what it means to be seen and heard within the context of the seminary, the church, and within our communities. We will encourage and spur one another on as participants in God's beautiful community.
Fridays 10-11 am
Starts Friday February 7th
Fishbowl (Edwards Hall) and via zoom (contact Suzanne for the link)
Professor Suzanne Bates & Thurman Williams, and Lead Academic Advisor Empress Sanders
International Women’s Fellowship (IWF) meets on campus weekly during the fall and spring terms for prayer, fellowship, support, and culture and language work. IWF also helps to host special events for the campus and has occasional parties off campus. IWF is for all women students and women spouses who grew up in another global culture or who have been living outside the USA for more than two years before coming to Covenant. Please contact Terri Ryan (terri.ryan@covenantseminary.edu) for more information.
Thursdays 9:45 - 11:00 am
In Edwards 107 (the small room to the right of the Community Center's main entrance)
Starts Thursday January 30th
Terri Ryan (International Student Coordinator)
International Men's Fellowship
IMF (International Men’s Fellowship) meets weekly during the fall and spring terms for prayer, fellowship, support, and culture work. IMF is for all men students and men spouses who grew up in another global culture or who have lived outside the USA for more than two years at some point in their lives. Please contact Dr. Jay Sklar (jay.sklar@covenanteminary.edu) or Terri Ryan (terri.ryan@covenantseminary.edu) for more information.
Wednesdays, 12:00-1:00 pm
Starts Wednesday 22nd
Edwards Group Room (in Edwards Hall)
Dr. Jay Sklar
Systematic Theology Reading Group
The scope and pace of study is one of the perennial challenges of seminary life. Sometimes students have doubts about *what* they’re learning, but sometimes they wish they could pause and *ponder.* To make space for this kind of reflection, the Systematics faculty lead a covenant group focused on discussing classic and contemporary works of theology. The goal will be to slow down, take manageable sections, and engage in friendly dialogue around an important text. Join Dr. Griggs and Dr. Martin as we read and discuss *A Brief Catechesis on Nature and Grace* by Henri De Lubac.
Thursdays at 10-11 am
Starts Thursday February 13th
3rd Floor Conference Room (304) in Founders Hall
This group will be open to Zoom participants if there are 3 or more non-residential students. Contact Dr. Robbie Griggs for zoom link.
Dr. Drew Martin and Dr. Robbie Griggs
Theological Fellowship
This student-led group is open to any and all. Many group members are exploring a sense of call to academic ministry, as in teaching at a college or seminary and the pursuit of a PhD in preparation. We discuss important readings and issues, hear from Covenant grads now doing PhDs, sponsor major speakers on our campus, and host an academic conference showcasing student scholarship each January. The president is currently MDiv student Mitchell Dixon. Faculty sponsors are Dr. Aucker, Dr. Griggs, and Dr. Yarbrough.
In person in FOU 341 - as well as the option to participate virtually through zoom (contact Mitchell for the zoom link)
Dr. Bob Yarbrough, Dr. Brian Aucker, Dr. Griggs and Mitchell Dixon (President of Theological Fellowship)
Spiritual Formation Group
While grad school can shape us in profound ways over time, you may have found it difficult to cultivate your daily life with God during these years. It can be hard to slow down to create space, not for more study or information intake, but for sitting in God’s presence and letting his love work on your soul. If you are feeling weary or in need of rest and refreshment, then consider showing up to this Spiritual Disciplines themed Covenant group. The table will be set each week for you to experientially learn various spiritual practices that help you respond to God’s invitation to slow down and enjoy his anchoring presence. Each week I will introduce a spiritual practice and then we will engage in it with each other right then and there. This time is meant to provide rest for you as we learn and experience rich spiritual disciplines together. This group is open to both men and women.
Thursdays, 10-11am
Starts Thursday February 6th
Fishbowl (Edwards Hall)
Melissa McKinney (Covenant Alumn'22 MDiv and MAEM and Certified Spiritual Director)