As you prepare to start Practicum this summer, here are some answers to a few of the most “frequently asked questions”. This is not an exhaustive list; rather, it is what we believe to be most important for you to know prior to orientation. Please bring any other questions you may have to Orientation, or send us an email!
Q: What is the Student Counselor Handbook and where can I find it?
A: The Student Counselor Handbook is your one stop shop for all details pertaining to Practicum and Internship. You must read this by May 20th. A copy is attached below and is also available in the Student Links and Resources folder on myCTS Counseling Knowledgebase.
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Q: Is Practicum orientation on Friday, May 24th mandatory?
A: Yes! Orientation is mandatory and we will be providing important information on the process of seeing clients. Think of it as your first day of training for a new job.
Q: A background check was mentioned in our practicum meetings, what do I need to do for this?
A: Yes, before you begin seeing clients, the CTS Counseling Department must conduct a background check and will require your written consent to do so. If you decline, which you absolutely may, this may impact the type of clients you see. Please complete the steps below by Friday April 28th:
First, read the Background Check Memo below. This explains why we are doing this, your choice to participate, and the next steps following your choice. Students who do not submit their forms by April 28th will be considered as “declining” and the Internship Coordinator will work with each student to implement the steps explained in the attached.
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Please complete and turn in each of three documents below to the Front Desk in the counseling department by April 28th. Copies are also at the front desk if you would like to sign them there:
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The "Summary of Right FCRA" below does not require a signature. It is for you to keep your records.
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Q: Our practicum meetings have mentioned that I’m required to have liability insurance. How and where do I get this? When is the due date?
A: Yes, you are required to have your own limited liability insurance for practicum. You cannot begin to see clients until you have submitted proof of this. Please register and submit proof of your coverage by May 20th. This can be emailed to us and will be stored confidentially within your student file.
Below are options that we’ve researched for you. You do not have to use these. If you have your own insurance agent, you can contact him/her for their recommendation.
Option #1) Buy DIRECTLY from an insurance provider.
Covers you, up to $1,000,000 each claim up to $3,000,000 annual aggregate
When asked during application to “select your status as an allied healthcare professional”, choose [STUDENT]. When asked to “please select your area of study”, choose [Clinical Mental Health]
Covers you, up to $1,000,000 each claim, for amounts that you become legally obligated to pay as a result of a professional liability claim arising out of a covered medical incident. Covers you, up to
$3,000,000 annual aggregate, for all covered claims in the policy period.
When asked during application to select a quote classification given the options: Individual, Business or Practice, Current HPSO policy holder, or Schools, choose [INDIVIDUAL]. When asked to “Select your profession or area of study”, choose [Clinical Counselor] When asked to “Select your status as a healthcare professional”, choose [Student].
Option #2) Join an organization that includes liability insurance with membership*
ACA - American Counseling Association (through HPSO)
$105 per year (including membership)
This policy will pay for defense against covered claims and provide professional liability limits up to
$1,000,000 per claim, up to $3,000,000 annual aggregate, subject to a $6,000,000 master policy aggregate.
*Just a reminder: you also have an Association Membership Requirement, which might make this option your best bet: “When enrolled in Practicum and Internship all counseling students must hold membership in either the American Counseling Association (ACA) or Missouri Mental Health Counselors Association (MMHCA). Students are required to turn-in a proof of membership to the Internship Director before beginning with clients.” If you chose to join ACA for your required membership, please note that this membership includes liability insurance. If you chose MMHCA, then you will need to purchase insurance on the side. If you have your own insurance agent, you can contact him/her for their recommendation.
Q: Our practicum meetings mentioned that I’m required to have a member in 1 of 2 specific counseling associations during Practicum + Internship. How do I enroll into these?
A: Students must hold membership with the American Counseling Association (ACA) or the Missouri Mental Health Counselors Association (MMHCA). Proof of your membership (receipt of purchase or copy of certificate) must be emailed to Kyla Glaser in the counseling department by May 24th.
Q: How do I complete the mandated reported training required before starting Practicum? When is this due?
A: The free, 2-hour training module called, “Missouri Child Abuse and Neglect Mandated Reporter Training” can be found at Certificates of Completion must be emailed to Kyla Glaser in the counseling department by May 24th. You cannot start to see clients until this has been fulfilled.
Q: What contact information should I use for clients & practicum related things?
A: You will need to use your CTS student email address for all of your communication with clients, your communication with the Intake Coordinator about CTS clients, and any other confidential/practicum related things from CTS. This email address is end-to-end encrypted and offers the best protection of sensitive client information.
You must add the following disclosure to all of your practicum related emails in your email signature:
CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This email and any attachments are for the exclusive and confidential use of the intended recipient. If you are not the intended recipient, please do not read, distribute, or take action in reliance upon this message. If you received this message in error, please notify us immediately by return email and promptly delete this message and its attachments from your computer system. We do not waive any privilege by the transmission of this message.
We also recommend setting up a new phone number + voicemail through the free app, Google Voice. More information about this will be discussed during orientation and provided in your Practicum and Intern Student Handbook.
Q: What do I need to communicate to my site before Practicum officially starts? What are you sharing with them & what do I need to share?
A: If you have not already heard from them in beginning of May, it would be good to reach out to your site in anticipation of starting with them on Monday, May 22nd. We encourage you to share with them:
Your desire to join any staff meetings and to know when they are scheduled
Your hopes for your schedule at the site (i.e. when you are available for clients)
Your requirement to begin with 2 clients by June 5th and thus the need to start the intake process the week of May 22nd (scheduling clients only)
Other requirements they are helping you fulfill (i.e. scheduling an hour of weekly supervision, how many clients to anticipate, a signed site agreement (see below))