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My CTS is the institution's single sign-on portal, which provides access to several of the major locations, resources, and tools utilized by the institution.

Logging in

When you navigate to My CTS, you will be prompted to sign in with your institutional email address and password.


Once authenticated, you will be redirected to the Launchpad, with links to the following locations:
  • Your institutional email
  • Canvas
  • My CTS
  • The library
  • The institutional calendar
  • The student or faculty & staff portal (not single sign-on enabled)


Clicking My CTS on the launchpad takes you to the heart of My CTS. The left-hand navigation shows various departments which contain information or processes specific to that area of the institution. For instance, if you are a student who is applying for graduation, you would click on Registrar > Apply for Graduation and you would be taken to the module that allows you to submit your application. Additionally, if you'd like to see what courses are being offered next term, you can click on General Resources > Course Offering and search for the courses in a particular term.These features of My CTS are in continual development and will grow over time. If you have questions, concerns, or ideas about features that may be a benefit to My CTS and the institution, send an email to  and IT Services will get back to you.

My CTS - Profile

Access your Profile

  • My CTS users can access their profile by clicking on the username dropdown in the upper right of the screen and selecting My Profile.

Customize your home view shortcuts

  • Users can customize what appears in the main window of the home view by adding shortcuts. Be sure to save your changes by clicking the Update Shortcuts button at the bottom.
  • When you return to the home view, you will see your selected modules as cards in the main window.


For questions regarding My CTS, contact the IT Services helpdesk at .